Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lets Make A Documentary of Building A Yert In North Hero, Vermont

YOWA - Yankee Onsite Wastewater Association (down?)

YOWA - Yankee Onsite Wastewater Association

Some old links

This is the site to check out:
As of this date, Vermont is not as progressive as other states in this area. This is what they
have approved thus far and expiration dates.

compare to Rhode Island, the first example I have pulled:

Permaculture solutions can also be found here

Test FB pic links

This shot is of Lake Morey from my friend Beth's house.

This is what the 5 acres looked like in April when I drove Buff up.  It was dry.  This shows what the ice and snow does.

Welcome to New Hampshire

Just some shots

This is the Sandbar Floating Bridge at the campgrounds!


This is Lake Morey, Vermont.  It's close to Norwich, Vt. and Hanover, New Hampshire where Dartmouth College is located.

I will add more to this post later!!!