Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Vermont, my old friend

This is one of many sites.   Vermont State Parks

In NORTH HERO, Champlain Islands, where the 5 acres is located, the closest
walking or bicycling distance!  The region includes Underhill which I don't quite understand because it is farthest away and not in the Islands.  But Region III  
has so many parks!!!

RV (land yachts) would have amenities they need.  

National Parks in Vermont....of course the famous Long Trail is the
This link shows where the Long Trail travels through Vermont.

I've never been to this National Park but some day I will visit Billings 

Okay so now I am going to throw in a wonderful park I would like to immitate in North Hero
SOMEWHERE.  I love this park.  In Alabama, Weeks Bay

I have walked up that boardwalk several times and think that North Hero could have something like this right on Hibbard Bay.  

This brochure clearly shows that Vermont isn't on their map!  

I want a "Green Sanctuary" path that would highlight the wildflowers and habitat on the 5 acres.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

DR. JOHN TODD has new websites : )

This is a small list of absolutely necessary reading.

(Wikipedia is the most awesome creation!)

I have been inside the greenhouse on a road adjacent to the Burlington VT  Sewage Treatment Plant where he had a grant to study the water.  It was awesome to see the roots dangling into the water from the wire mesh screens holding them in place and to see the pure water in various stages after the plants absorbed the nutrients.  The tropical looking plants were thriving.  I was so impressed after reading his book (also the one on Bioneers)  several years ago I started looking for grants which I knew were available for small innovative systems.   This is not rocket science.  You do not have to have a degree to understand age old principles of biology he promotes.  

People have created ponds for a variety of purposes...mostly ornamental or for water conservation, and the key element here is that the tank or lined pond can't easy is that?  Also, you cannot create a constructed wetland or man made- bog or marsh inside a real one.  You can't pollute a natural marsh.  "You have to keep them  separated".  Also, you shouldn't grow and eat spinach in the treatment water.  Logical isn't it.  

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wastewater Information Clearinghouse

Our Products

  • Wastewater Products List (pdf) - Both the NSFC and the NODP have an extensive holding of free or low-cost posters, CDs, DVDs, magazines, newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, guidebooks, and other similar materials that help explain wastewater topics including onsite systems.
  • Small Flows Magazine - This NSFC publication features news, technical, and educational articles. Topics cover a variety of small community wastewater issues, including treatment technologies, regulations, and finance. Included as an insert are peer-reviewed research journal articles.
  • Pipeline Newsletter - The NSFC publishes popular with small community officials, citizens, maintenance and inspection personnel, and community educators, each quarterly issue of Pipeline focuses on a single wastewater topic and presents it in an easy-to-read format.
  • Newsletter and Journal Archives- The Small Flows newsletter and Small Flows Journal both feature a wide range of topics related to small community wastewater, including: treatment technologies, design information, financial assistance, water quality, onsite and small community wastewater issues, and public education. These publications are out of print, but availble online.
  • Environmental Technology Initiative (ETI) Fact Sheets - As part of the ETI, the NSFC collected information from approximately 600 innovative wastewater technology projects and used it to create fact sheets designed to present information about suitable wastewater technology/practices for different situations.
  • Tools for Communities - Produced by the NODP, this series of products is designed to assist communities with addressing onsite and decentralized wastewater management issues.
  • Wastewater Listserv - Receive our wastewater news by e-mail

Flows -- For Love of Water --the movie -- SEE IT!

This is the theatrical trailer for the film.
It is excellent. It was shown at the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival.
embed this

NOT the surfing movie! Irena Salina made a huge, huge difference with this project.

Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival 2008 WINNER
Just forget about (one) negative review because this is a beautiful documentary.

It clearly makes the case that the "western world" consumes the most precious
commodity while the rest of the world struggles by carrying huge buckets on their
heads (women and children) for miles to cook, clean and bathe.

Anyone who dismisses this project has their heads in the sand and that is exactly
what is wrong with this world we live in.
The Unitarian Universalist Association and the UUSC (Service Committee) both tackled
this issue at recent General Assemblies.

The World Bank could have put sanitary
drinking systems throughout the world over the last thirty years rather than loaning
huge sums which no doubt end up being spent in Africa and elsewhere on expensive Italian lamps and posh palaces. All the churches who have tried to evangelize and convert should have dug a well and put in sanitary wastewater treatment onsite to really SAVE these souls who needlessly die of waterborn disease.

This movie disappointed me because it did not delve into wastewater treatment, living machines,
or Dr. John Todd and his work with oceanarks or water stewards.

The space age technology using UV light to kill pathogens could be utilized if villages had
electricity (another issue).

Water is wasted. Americans bathe way too much! Teenage girls are encouraged to wash their hair several times a day if not every day which is completely unnecessary. They strip the natural oils completely away then need more chemicals to replace it. People used to use 1 towel a week, hanging it to dry after each use but now people use 1 or more towels a day, which need laundering and more water.

Back to the movie: This film traveled to Africa, India, and South America and received awards.

Introduction to movie is here:

It hit me. It was effective.

GREEN DATA is very good

Purdue has done a lot of research in a cold climate on wastewater treatment, as well as the Canadians......

The information has been around a long time, and now we have internet.

I ripped this great cartoon for obvious reasons!!! Average people need to understand it all, not be intimidated, and not pay outrageous sums of money to do things correctly.

Senior citizens don't need to be bilked out of thousands of dollars on new systems to stay in the farm house they have owned for generations.

Waterforum - Check here. It will grow!

Tech Groups Yahoo

National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association NAWRA

Please feel free to add sites to my blog.

Green is good. Green Mountain State, Vermont

Telling the world about Dr. John Todd, University of Vermont, Bioneer is not easy.
I want an information box at the green sanctuary for this reason. The old fashioned way was paper. Here is something I have been following for a while:
In fact, isn't this a nice email he sent me? What he is saying is that people are not as concerned as they ought to be. I don't promote any particular product that I know of. I have read some trade magazines and for years read stuff from the Chesapeake area in that huge database I forget the name of it now. Once I did a page on geocities but it disappeared I forget why.

"Carole, thank you very much for your comments and followup info for
Chemically Green. I wish we could get a lot more people to
show passion and concern about green and saving the planet like you.
If you have any other info or a great idea for a post, please let me know.
Keep in touch and have a great 2009.
Best wishes,
Steven R. Mason
Chemically Green
"Green Solutions for Today"

Friday, January 2, 2009

Real Estate Values in North Hero, Vt.

This link will take you to see what is for sale in the area.,+vermont

This little YouTube Tribute to Burlington was sent to me. Trying to figure out how to embed on blogspot. Not sure I can so here it is:

North Hero, Vermont, U.S.A.

** *** *** Of all the coincidences, an old friend from the 1970's is constructing these yerts!  I think they are awesome!
Above site  is where the yert would be located.   If you look at the road, it runs north and south,  and you start at the spot where the trees begin on the right side (top) that is the NorthWest corner of the 5 acres.  In other words, the top block.  There is a diagonal line. To the east of thatline it represents a lower elevation area of trees and sandy soils.  Deer have been seen in this area at certain times of the year.

This road, Abnaki Road,  has a water main line access point.   There are power/telephone poles on the right side of the road as well.  

This 5 acres is perfect for Yert Camping!  Areas  need to be cleared for a garden which would also provide firewood.  

More information is available on mapquest and from Vermont state tourism offices.  

This is where I would eventually like to stay from May until October some day.  It is a dream.
And, it may not happen.  But, since 1982 I wanted to live there, affordably and at this time the Yert idea is my only option!!!

I would like to have a small information booth, with a boardwalk into this "Green Sanctuary" explaining how valuable it is to preserve this type of land and ecology.

I need a partner and would like to create a non-profit organization.  At this time, I am looking for someone who can see the potential of this project.  Become a reader/follower of this site.  Post data !