Am wanting some friends from Alabama to come up and camp out with me some time this summer. Here is a photo I snatched for the DISBELIEVERS!
I wish Leighton and Leslie would come! Dean! etc.
The passage way going under the drawbridge is called "The Gut" and sailboats cause the bridge to go up so they can pass on. In the distance is New York State and the mountains where the sun sets. People pay huge taxes to worship that sunset! To the Right is North Hero and to the Left is Grand Isle.
I snatched the above photo from our local news paper...very small but nice. Here it the link:
The Islander Newspaper I've loved the cover photo they use every week. I saved them as long as I could until I was forced to move them out of the garage which later burned down.
Here is a GoogleMap Link: Abnaki Road, North Hero, Champlain Islands, Vermont