This is the theatrical trailer for the film.
It is excellent. It was shown at the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival. FOR LOVE OF WATER
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NOT the surfing movie! Irena Salina made a huge, huge difference with this project.
Just forget about (one) negative review because this is a beautiful documentary.
It clearly makes the case that the "western world" consumes the most precious
commodity while the rest of the world struggles by carrying huge buckets on their
heads (women and children) for miles to cook, clean and bathe.
Anyone who dismisses this project has their heads in the sand and that is exactly
what is wrong with this world we live in.
The Unitarian Universalist Association and the UUSC (Service Committee) both tackled
The World Bank could have put sanitary
drinking systems throughout the world over the last thirty years rather than loaning
huge sums which no doubt end up being spent in Africa and elsewhere on expensive Italian lamps and posh palaces. All the churches who have tried to evangelize and convert should have dug a well and put in sanitary wastewater treatment onsite to really SAVE these souls who needlessly die of waterborn disease.
This movie disappointed me because it did not delve into wastewater treatment, living machines,
or Dr. John Todd and his work with oceanarks or water stewards.
The space age technology using UV light to kill pathogens could be utilized if villages had
electricity (another issue).
Water is wasted. Americans bathe way too much! Teenage girls are encouraged to wash their hair several times a day if not every day which is completely unnecessary. They strip the natural oils completely away then need more chemicals to replace it. People used to use 1 towel a week, hanging it to dry after each use but now people use 1 or more towels a day, which need laundering and more water.
Back to the movie: This film traveled to Africa, India, and South America and received awards.
Introduction to movie is here:
It hit me. It was effective.