Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Vermont, my old friend

This is one of many sites.   Vermont State Parks

In NORTH HERO, Champlain Islands, where the 5 acres is located, the closest
walking or bicycling distance!  The region includes Underhill which I don't quite understand because it is farthest away and not in the Islands.  But Region III  
has so many parks!!!

RV (land yachts) would have amenities they need.  

National Parks in Vermont....of course the famous Long Trail is the
This link shows where the Long Trail travels through Vermont.

I've never been to this National Park but some day I will visit Billings 

Okay so now I am going to throw in a wonderful park I would like to immitate in North Hero
SOMEWHERE.  I love this park.  In Alabama, Weeks Bay

I have walked up that boardwalk several times and think that North Hero could have something like this right on Hibbard Bay.  

This brochure clearly shows that Vermont isn't on their map!  

I want a "Green Sanctuary" path that would highlight the wildflowers and habitat on the 5 acres.