Above site is where the yert would be located. If you look at the road, it runs north and south, and you start at the spot where the trees begin on the right side (top) that is the NorthWest corner of the 5 acres. In other words, the top block. There is a diagonal line. To the east of thatline it represents a lower elevation area of trees and sandy soils. Deer have been seen in this area at certain times of the year.
This road, Abnaki Road, has a water main line access point. There are power/telephone poles on the right side of the road as well.
This 5 acres is perfect for Yert Camping! Areas need to be cleared for a garden which would also provide firewood.
More information is available on mapquest and from Vermont state tourism offices.
This is where I would eventually like to stay from May until October some day. It is a dream.
And, it may not happen. But, since 1982 I wanted to live there, affordably and at this time the Yert idea is my only option!!!
I would like to have a small information booth, with a boardwalk into this "Green Sanctuary" explaining how valuable it is to preserve this type of land and ecology.
I need a partner and would like to create a non-profit organization. At this time, I am looking for someone who can see the potential of this project. Become a reader/follower of this site. Post data !